05-11-2003, 11:51 AM
I just more specs on R6:3 Raven Shield for GBA:
- 15 sequential maps with full detail, including 5 multiplayer maps.
- 4 types of classes, including Assault, Demolition, Recon, and Sniper.
- Two modes of gameplay such as the original campaign mode and Lone Wolf which can be unlocked after a mission success.
- New weapons can be unlocked after completing the primary and secondary objectives. This gives a new choice of weapons for each class.
- New multiplayer options available. Up to four players max. Game modes available are:
Cooperative Campaign Mode:
Play missions from the Single Player Campaign Mode. Now up to four players may play Cooperative Campaign Mode.
Adversarial Mode:
No teams, all players fight against their friends. Up to four players may play Adversarial Mode.
Tag Team Mode:
Players fight in teams. From three to four players may play Tag Team Mode.
Network Mode(requires cell phone):
Provides deathmatch field for all four teams. Each team can run with up to four players. Limit four teams per match. Different levels provide different objectives. All players, however, have to be within the range of 30 miles of the server.
NOTE: Some cell phones cannot connect to the server or do not have game connection capability(Ericsson cell phones for example). The recommended phones for network gaming are Nokia N-Gage or the Nokia 2100.
This game release date still has not been officially announced. Further details are pending.