I'm ready to compile a new set of custom maps for my server. This is my current rotation:
Arnhem (dm/arnhem )
Southern France 2 (dm/southern_france_2_final)
The Keep (dm/the_keep-sp)
Thunder 2 (dm/dm_thunder-2)
Bazooka Sunrise (dm/bsunrise3-3)
Doomed (dm/doomed)
Island Assault (dm/dm_island_assault)
DM Arena Nightbattle (dm/dmarena-nightbattle-sp)
Bridges (dm/bridges)
Military Post Spearhead (dm/military_post-spearhead)
Stalingrad 2 (dm/stalingrad-2)
Omaha Beach Dog Green (dm/dm_omaha_doggreen)
Urban Sprawl (dm/urbansprawl)
Operation market Garden (dm/dm_maromg)
Gefangenenlager (dm/gefangenenlager )
Routenord (dm/dm_routenord)
Thunder (dm/tdm_thunder)
Bombed Village (dm/bombedvillage)
Fort Wreck (dm/fortwreck)
The Dam (dm/the_dam)
Despair (dm/despair)
The Overpass (dm/the_overpass)
I'm look for some recommendations on some good custom maps for this next map pack. I only run Team Match, so the maps should probably be TDM/DM. Here are some maps that I'm looking at so far.
Eder Dam
Crossfire Village
Winter Compound
I've also heard of "The Siege." Where can I find this one?