Zoner Graphics Creation Services - Defined -
05-12-2003, 06:53 AM
Ok, I have to get a few things straight regarding my offer to create graphics for people using this forum.
Recently, I have gotten several requests from people who want me to do website graphics for them. Not single, stand-alone sigs, but multiple images and even full suites of images for their clan websites. Let's get a few things straight, right off the bat:
1) I do NOT create graphics for a living. I work 40 hrs a week in software testing. Yes, I do make sigs at work, but I really only make 1-2 a day now. It may take me 15 mins...the length of a typical coffee break.
2) From day 1, I never offered anything other than forum sig graphics. And even then, I said that I'd create graphics as time permitted...there was never a guarantee that I could do something if it was requested.
3) When I say "No" to a request, don't fucking ask me why. I do NOT have to explain my reasons for denying a request. I don't deny too many sig requests, as you all know. But when someone comes to me wanting me to build the GUI for a website and I say "Sorry, can't do it", then they ask "Well, why not?", that boils my piss.
So, bottom line is this: I don't do this for a living. I don't get paid for this. I have a life outside of Your clan's website or your signature graphic do not mean as much to me as it does to you and your buddies. When I say no, I have a good reason. Even if I don't, questioning my motives will only make me see red and piss me off to no end.
If you need a sig, fine. If you need a website banner, fine. I'll see what I can do if I have time. The key phrase is "if I have time".
Sorry for ranting, but I had to clear the air because I was starting to feel like I was being taken for granted.