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Default 05-12-2003, 08:26 AM

Either or. Players who limit themselves to only one team or to only defending or attacking miss out on half of the game.

I enjoy the buzz of attacking a defending team much more than having the attacking team down my throat before I've managed to go 5 paces, though.

As a defender, however (and quite contradictorary to my last statement) I much prefer to advance and fight on the front line. I love taking out someone then retreating to the next door, step by step until I am in a defensive position.

I am not overly fond of sitting still and waiting for the enemy to arrive, unless it's situational. That is, I won't ever camp but if I know you're close by I'll certainly consider waiting for you very quietly. biggrin:

The best camper is one who can retreat at every step and allow the attacker to make the next move on your own terms.

If both teams just charge then you honestly may as well just play DM or TDM, as the objective rarely gets touched in these fights. Only when someone retreats or defends will the objective ever get used.

Unless you're playing a huge open map that has no choke points whatsoever and both forces completely miss eachother biggrin:
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