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Default 05-12-2003, 07:49 PM

American Pie

During the first party scene, where Steve & Sarah are on the bed, while Sarah is holding the "special" beer, the cup changes from clear to blue then back to clear in an angle change.

When the "bible" is retrieved from the library, it is under the section "982.1 Fluid Dynamics"; In the Dewey Decimal System (the 982.1 part...) Fluid Dynamics would actually be under 532, the 900 series is for Geography & History.

When the foreign exchange student is changing her clothes she opens a drawer in the guys bedroom. The first shot shows a tub of Vaseline, but when the camera goes back it is gone.

The note left for Jim by his mother has a misused word on it. The note uses you're instead of your. It reads "apple pie, you're favorite."

They mention that Nadia comes from Czechoslovakia. Hello! Czechoslovakia ceased to exist in 1993 when it was divided into two countries: The Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The movie takes place in Michigan: When Heather drives up to school and talks to Oz, her car has a front license plate, despite the fact that Michigan doesn't use front license plates.

When Finch goes into the toilets after drinking the laxatives he puts paper down on the seat first. He puts down three sheets of paper then the camera pans up the toilet roll and his hand is reaching for more. When the camera pans back down all of 3 seconds later the whole seat is covered in toilet paper.

When the guys are in the chorus room watching Oz, the book bag in front of them moves from scene to scene.

hell there's no reason to copy and's the link [url:961b2][/url:961b2]

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