05-13-2003, 07:42 AM
Thin Red Line was SOOOO gay in my opinion.
Firstly there were a lot of celebrities popping up in roles that had like 5 lines. It seemed that they were just trying to get a war movie down on their resumé. I thought at least one of them would be the lead role but hake:
The poetic voice overs made no sense and I coudn't really follow it.
The AWOL soldier was really dumb, I don't know why he tried to raise his gun when surrounded by Japanese.
Also when the Americans were running through the Japanese camp it just looked stupid cos they were owning them, almost certainly there would have been some form of internal defences.
Hard to keep track of all the characters, would focus on many people and hard to identify a protagonist.
Also the crazy soldier had interesting things to say but didn't bring the message of the futility of war across effectively. IMO when they were running through the grass getting mortared said far more about war than some shell shocked soldier.
Also I think the movie was the director's first in 20 years or something....ummm hard film to come back on.
I think Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan and even Windtalkers were far better anti war films (out of the recent war movies anyway).
I know The Thin Red Line doesn't slam anti war in your face and tries to be subtle but I couldn't see the reality or find convincing acting to bring the message across.
Also another fav BoB moment is when George Luz fool Sobel into thinking he's the Colonel.