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Tiwaz is Offline
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Default 05-13-2003, 10:09 AM

I tried it just yet, and I'm sorry, but I don't like it.

The 'ping' in the menu is just plain annoying, and the sounds of the looks like I'm firing russian weapons all the time. The STG used to be painful for your ears, I liked that. And now? Now it's like I'm firing anaesthetic arrows or something. Also, the combination of some new firing sounds with the old reloading sound (e.g. MP40) is not what I like. Nor do I like the new footstep sound (on concrete), it's like I'm playing Soldier of Fortune (and I don't like that game) or something.

It's as usual: Original is the best. Original scopes, sounds, textures. That's what I like. The only thing I need is a bloodpatch and a mod that modifies my HUD (smaller fonts, compass is only an arrow, no bullets, etc.).

I know, it's all opinions...but we can't all be positive, can we.
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