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Default 05-13-2003, 10:18 AM

i enjoy spearhead very much. i run a small server and my players like it too. i rotate the old with the new. back and forth. put in some map mods for both. i think its a hell of a good game. i will say a few maps are a little too big for like 10 or 15 guys. they work much better on larger servers. the down side is like joe said i dont like that the swear filter dont work. and i dont like the bash with all the weapons. but you cant please everyone all the time. all and all id say it way a good game. i play every night and havent gotten tired of it yet. when i do i just change the pistols only night..sniper rifle night. things like that. keeps the game kinda fresh with different things gopin on all the time. ill even change a map mod. through in some stuff and take things out not telling anyone. so the players on my server never know exactly what to expect when they get there.
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