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Default 01-16-2002, 05:13 AM

Ever seen an excellent player who knows how to use the Mauser play the game without the realism mod? Until you have I'd not go suggesting it's useless without being beefed up.

To see the Mauser even more powerful in this guy's hands would be scary.

Realism mod is fine and dandy for those who want to play it.

I think it's just a cop out for those who don't want to learn a gun properly. Reaslistic or not, it's just a quick fix for players who haven't the patience to use a gun how it's supposed to be used.

Btw, I've seen a lot of people say the Mauser is pointless 'cos 'you may as well use the sniper rifle'.

Try shooting a sniper rifle at someone 100 yards away on the move without using the scope and you'll see why the Mauser is a fine alternative. Mauser is incredibly accurate at range without a scope, and does a ton more damage than the Garand.

It's also way cooler to use. If someone can use the Mauser and kill a lot of players consistently, you know they're good.

CPR just takes that away. Anyone who only plays on CPR servers with rifles and thinks they're Gods of the game need to try and learn it the hard way for once.

I can tell you it's a lot more satisfying.

I don't mind the grenades and rockets being limited, so much. However, that's still just a cheap way to avoid death by those devices. I prefer to learn how to avoid them, rather than just cut them out.

But I don't need my SMG improved, thanks. Nor my Mauser, or Garand.

My choice, of course. As it is the choice of those who only play CPR to do so. Those who play CPR must enjoy it and that is all that matters. I just see it as a pussy way out and always will.

If I played CPR all the time I'd always have it at the back of my mind that I won each game with a little help of a mod.

Sorry, couldn't live with that

The funny thing is it's the very people who complain that shotguns, bazookas and grenades are cheap that have created this mod.

So... The shotgun's cheap, but changing the game to make it easier for you to beat them isn't?

Cynical way of looking at it, seeing as the mod is probably just to make the game more enjoyable for you, but it's a fairly clear point all the same.


[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 16, 2002).]
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