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Sergeant John W Martin is Offline
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Default 05-13-2003, 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
A little early to pass judgement on it yet, but Im hoping for something VERY good, hopefully thats what we will get. But from what I've heard, you cant play the role of the "bad guys" and there is no PvP (Player vs Player). If that is so, I dont know how long this game could keep people interested. The main reason for MMORPG's is so you can fight against other players, not just AI/NPC's. Hopefully there is no truth to these rumours. Either way, I'll probably end up getting it and giving it a go, from the screens it actually does look pretty good, I'd be expecting a bit more from the graphics come release though.
I think you can play the bad look here

Hundreds of thousands of people will enter the perpetual world of Middle-earth for the very first time. Prepare yourself to choose a path amongst the likes of Elves, Dwarves, and Humans. Will you choose to fight for the things that bring peace to the land or will you add to the corruption of Middle-earth as the forces of Sauron move swiftly to extinguish all that is good?
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