G43 and K43 are the same thing, G43 are the first production model and the name was changed later to K43. The G/K43 is long as a rifle , Karabine is a strange denomination. See the pics i post before, is a long weapon.
The G43 doesnt have a "wood cover" for the barrel as u can see here:
And the K43 have it, as u can see here:
Thats the only visual difference, the rifle is the same , first photo dont have the magazine. And the Bayonet thing is only on the K43.
For the FG42, is a server side mod, the host must have it and the players must have it, and u CANT use the bazooka (i hate it anyway biggrin: ). And it works perfect, i have a FJ clan
http://www.fjr6.tk and we like that gun.