Thread: STOP IT NOW!
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AlphaLeader is Offline
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Default 01-16-2002, 05:32 AM

Idea! Lets all shutup. That all I see nowadays, is flameing flameing flameing. I'm starting to skip the daily check of this site and forum. Everytime I come to look at whats new all I see is a new flame war going on. You guys who are "vets", why are you flameing at anyone? Your supposed to be nice and clear up stuff. And if you think that your an axis and in a bunker killing americans is cool, well, thats pretty stupid because you are going to die anyways because a american will come in your bunker and use his thompson to clear the bunker out. And then, thinking germany won the war. What do you think Hitler would have done? He would have worked the germans harder, made the Earth a living hell and most of all MORE people would die. If you want to believe something, then go ahead, but don't bring it to anyone elses view on this forum or any other because you will get flamed. And I'm sure everyone is ready to flame me. But why? I haven't did anything wrong. If you disagree with me, then just tell me and be polite. Why is there so much flameing? Because everyone thinks they are right. And "I" think that Hitler was evil and I am so glad Germany didn't win the war. Notice I said "I". Not you, or anyone else. IF you want to flame me, go ahead. Your not doing anything but making people hate you. Laters, Thanks.
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