Thread: STOP IT NOW!
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W. Voss is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-16-2002, 06:03 AM

Posted by Fubargrn:
read the first post a bit more closely,voss...and I would like you to point out to me where he said germany SHOULD have won the war....He was simply trying to point out WHAT the Axis did that made them LOSE the war....and why are you trying to bring up old shit anyways,voss....we buried the hatchet on that one last just want to pour salt in an already sore wound.
Post something OTHER than a flame for once.
Here is a question for ya....have you EVER started a topic??or do you just post flames/complaints on other's topics...????
???? point one out for me......
at least Luft is trying,and shit damn near EVERY one of his topics have gotten 20+ hits...I will admit a few were "contriversial" and the matter is one is bringing that shit up but YOU!!!!!
End of quote.

But me? Lutwaffe makes 10 retarded posts a day, I don't flame people for a reason. Lutwaffe is bringing this on himself.

Oh and I love that sig with the "GUESS WHAT YOUR GAY", that is the funniest stuff i've seen all day


[This message has been edited by W. Voss (edited January 16, 2002).]
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