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Default II - 05-14-2003, 03:55 PM

This indeed looks very promising. I am more looking forward to this game than to Doom III, actually. Mostly because Doom III will be singleplayer only (?) and I expect the system requirements of Doom to be incredible (for playing/experiencing it the way it was meant to be, that is).

I think this will be the real MoHAA II. These guys obviously know their stuff (being the developers of MoHAA), that's why I believe the new EA MoHAA title will taste defeat. These guys want to make a good game, whereas it seems EA only wants to make money.

Agreed, Infinity Ward wants to make money as well, but to do that, they first need to place a foot in the market. That is not accomplished by bringing out some crappy game. They know that, just as 2015 knew that. Chances are these guys are much more aspirated than the EA MoHAA crew, because it seems EA is only interested in just another game and quick release that sells (above) average, judging by some past releases. That's not what you want. You want an innovative product, not an improved old product.

I don't know how innovative another WWII game can become these days, because it seems every different aspect of these type of games has been covered by now. But for me it is very clear: If it comes, EA will not be the one developing it. Maybe Infinity Ward is up to the task?
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