05-15-2003, 01:43 PM
I have the first matrix, but it doesn't give much insight to the problems presented by reloaded.
As for where the matrix is located...it wouldn;t be zion...because the city is controlled by humans. And the machines run the matrix, right? It was created by the architect which is a human i think anyway, like they said in the first one the matrix was created to be like a paradise with no crime and such, but they couldn't put it into code. then the machines rose up with AI and took over the matrix and put the humans in it.
Since in the first one we see the fields of humans being grown and harvesed its safe to say that physically the plugged in humans are in the machines control, and therefore its probably safe to assume the matrix is also under machine control. If zion is destroyed it has nothing to do with the matrix. all the people who live in the mstrix nd are plugged in woudln't be affected...but now there would be no resistance for the machines. they would control all of the real world and could do whatever they want with it. the hmans would all be plugged in and would provide energy for the machines. so the machines need us to live...but if they destroy zion there will be no rebellion for them to deal with.
Anyway, you guys can confirm that zion was destroyed right? when neo chose to save trininy the machines bored to the city and destroyed it right? so now onnly a few unplugged people are left. neo and the gang and will smiths wife and the agent smith. so they'll have to fight the machines and beat them in the next movie and then either destroy the matrix, or get as many people out as possible and then destroy it and start over in the ral world is my guess.