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Default 05-16-2003, 11:37 AM

There are two modes of thought in regards to THE MATRIX;

Either it's a MATRIX within a MATRIX, or ZION IS real. Either one is needed for the machines, since conflict defines us as humans and is neccesary. Those aware of the matrix create a sort of subtle chaos within the MATRIX that cancels out the "perfection" that is rejected by humans. Like the old adage "it's quiet, too quiet". As humans we have a NEED for their to be SOMETHING, anything. Perfection, and peace is ALWAYS eyes suspiciously.

As far as THE ARCHITECT, why would he be human? Humans didn't create the MATRIX, the machines did.

The argument could be made that THE ARCHITECT is so sure of what is to occur because it is programmed that way. As far as time is concerned, the machines shouldn't have any concern for that, but felt the need to equate it to NEO in terms he could understand, marking time from "anomoly" to "anomoly". The use of the word "anomoly" further ambigues whether or not the real world is the matrix.

And SMITH taking over others minds; if someone is jakced in, it's not too far-fetched to think some sort of "signal feedback' could warp the mind of whoever is infected - which is to say SMITH isn't in BAINS mind, but his single-intent and purpose is. Having said that I sure am interested to know how the hell SMITH got where he was at the end.

And when NEO reached THE SOURCE he would reset THE MATRIX, effectively shutting it down, or getting CONTROL of it, thereby taking the power of the best control tool away from THE MACHINES.

And all the different PROGRAMS out there. They could be a movie all of themselves. As far as FRENCHIE being TOO frenchie. He's a PROGRAM, and he could have designed himself that way.

And the trialer for REVOLUTIONS looked KICK-ASS.
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