An apology for Gen. Damage/A challenge for TeamGOD. -
05-16-2003, 01:36 PM
I had my first run-in with TeamGOD last night. I was playing on the Delta Dragoon Platoon public server (I have played on this server in the past with good luck) and everything was fine for about 2 hours, then “YOU” joined in to be followed by “F__K” (I assume we can all fill in the blanks on what his name really was). We were promptly told that we were all “owned” by TeamGOD. After that, it was obvious that they were using wall hacks and whatever else these lowlifes have come up with as well as giving those of us that complained several options of where to go or where to stick certain body parts (many of which I don’t believe were anatomically possible). Players began to quit left and right and in a couple of minutes it was just Gen. Damage on the Allies and myself, one other original player, and our two “friends” on the Axis. Gen. Damage was, as you might expect, upset and let us know that he didn’t appreciate the cheating. I agreed, but by then he had already left. By this time our two “friends” were dicussing whether or not to crash the server. Is this possible?
Seeing as how I stuck it out till the last, I didn’t want Gen. Damage to be under any misconception that I had any part in the cheating that took place. I know this may seem like a silly post, but I do not want to leave any doubt in anyone’s mind of my integrity. So…if Gen. Damage is part of this forum, I would just like to say that I regret what happened last night and restate my position that I had nothing to do with these lowlifes.
As for “YOU” and “F__K” (I assume the reverse ordering of their names is wherein lies the humor), I can only say that when you feel you can stand on your skills alone I will gladly square up against you. I may not be the best, but I’m willing to guess that your hacks are meant to cover for a lack of skill, just as your vulgarities are meant to cover for a lack of intelligence. Good day.