Originally Posted by MPowell1944
Originally Posted by Tiwaz
Hell yeah, if I put Spearhead on 640*460 with everything set to lowest detail, it runs more smooth than AA on 1024*768 with everything medium/high.
That is entirely false. I can run Spearhead at 1280x1024 + maxed settings and still get 50 - 150 FPS on all maps. Try getting a real video card before you say that.
Define a card thats not a "real video card" they all process they same signal so i assume you mean an imaginary card... oOo:
And yes were quite aware you're running a geforce ti 4600 or some such pos like that. you never fail to attempt to show off your pretty little graphics whenever you post a screen of a mod or in your little sig pics. Fact of the matter is not everyone can afford\needs a top of the line card, your post just fucking smacks of arrogance sorry to telll ya.