05-17-2003, 02:32 PM
So I'm guessing not a single person stayed through the credits to see the trailor for Revolutions? n00bs.
Zion is definitely not destroyed yet. They show clips of battle scenes. With those mech things.
Smith has cloned himself what looks like at least 5,000 times over, and he and Neo enter into what will undoubtedly be a climactic fight scene. The voice of the Oracle is heard saying "If you don't stop him, I fear that tomorrow will never come."
The man posessed by Smith is shown fighting Morpheus inside what appears to be a ship in the real world.
I can't remember much else from it.
I'm torn on the double-Matrix theory. Perhaps if they want to go for the easy twist, that will be the scenario. But I think the Wachowski brothers are more intelligent than that, and will go for something other than the obvious psychologically-frustrating-because-it's-so-simple-twist. The only reason I can't be decisive is that I can't figure out how to explain Neo being able to "feel" the machines and then subsequently cause a reaction. I didn't really see him "fire" and EMP pulse at anyone. It looked to me like he held up his hand the the machines stopped and shorted out. If it were an EMP pulse, the machines would have just dropped dead like in the first one. I think a plausible, alternate explanation would be that his experiences in the Matrix somehow allowed him to tap part of his mind (remember, humans only harness 9~11% of their brain capacity) that facilitated this sort of thing. But then there were the dreams, where he saw precisely what would happen. So unless he became psychic, that could be an argument for the double-Matrix theory Solidus put forth vis a vie the controllers of the Matrix (or perhaps a rogue program) planted these images in Neo's head in the "outer" Matrix.
The bottom line is, there simply isn't enough information to make a conclusive statement on where the next movie will go. Also, I hope the brief outline of the trailor for Revolutions clears up a bunch of the crazy things tossed about in this thread.
I just hope they didn't go with a double-Matrix style twist. The cheesiness of that would completely ruin the movie for me.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008