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A few questions regarding running a server
Hyndelyke-SS is Offline
Posts: 30
Join Date: Dec 2002
Default A few questions regarding running a server - 05-18-2003, 12:53 PM

I ran a search but really didnt come up with any hard answers to my questions regarding running a MOHAA server (perhaps SH as well). I am running a server using my computer, it is non dedicated. The server is made for only 4 people since Ionly have cable. 3 of us live in the same town, and two in the same house, so its basically a LAN party. The two others connect with pings from 20-40 which is great! The fourth person, anyone who sees my game and decides to join runs around 100.

Anyway, to the questions. I wish to know that if I decide to run mods and map fixes and cheat detection software on this server, will it effect my regular non server game play, for example, when I decide to join other servers?

If I run CKR, maybe some DogMeat stuff, are these files going to cause any conflict with my non server related gameplay?

Another question, my group really wants to run realism. I have only really played CKR and enjoy it. But, are there any other realism mods I should look into?

Hopefully my questions wont generate to many nOOb flames, but the server thing we are doing has really brought this game back to life for me. I had not touched it in a month or so, and my brother in law had been over the house nightly to use MY game and PC. Well, he went and bought himself the game, and I decided to school him a bit. My wife likes to play as well, which is really neat!

Oh shit, more questions... Any custom SMALL maps that you guys could recommend? I have a shitpile of them on my PC now, so I will have to test them out, as with only 4 people it gets to be tiring running around looking for someone all night lol.

Anyway, thanks alot for any help you can give, I appreciate it.
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