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Mauser Schnellfeuer-Pistole
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Default Mauser Schnellfeuer-Pistole - 05-18-2003, 04:33 PM


Mauser Schnellfeuer-Pistole These odd-looking pistols (see picture above) were based on the Mauser C96. These were more "flashy" than effective. It was wasteful of ammunition and difficult to aim. The weapon has a protruding 20-round magazine and detachable wooden stock/holster. (When dis-assembled the pistol was housed in the stock) Could fire 900 rounds per minute (15 rounds per second) but because of it's extreme lightweight was nearly impossible to aim with any accuracy. Also a weapon that empties it's magazine in just over 1 second may not be the best option.

I was wondering if anyone could try making this pistol. Even though you'd be loading it every 2 seconds, I would still like to have a pistol that fired as fast as the russian ppsh. You can either go by the picture above to make it, or you can add the wooden stock that was usually attached to this gun to give it better accuracy. I just couldn't find a good picture of this pistol with the added wooden stock.
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