05-19-2003, 02:39 PM
It starts off slow simply because there is a need to set things up - but do you realize how SHORT the "slow scenes" are.
I've seen people complain about the "rave scene" being too long and whatever - the fucking thing is 2 minutes. Maybe they are lumping in Morpheus speech, but that couldn't have been another 3 minutes total. Sad when 5 minutes of "inaction" is too much for others to handle.
Having said that - I think alot of the negative opinions of RELOADED stems from the fact that there is ALOT of information to take in, and it seems like NOTHING happens.
Couldn't be further from the truth. There is SO MUCH in this film it's not even funny, it's simply in what the characters are saying and your ability to connect the dots and come to your own conclusion. I'll admit that the end came a little too "abrubt" for me - like it was just dropped out of nowhere with that TO BE CONCLUDED (which didn't really piss me off because we KNEW it would end like that no doubt with REVOLUTIONS coming in NOVEMBER).
However the answers behind the scenes are alot. Here's just a few things I feel are there:
One - the machines cant completely control the humans. The existence of the "anomoly" confirms this. While the machines, or rather The Oracle, recognized humanities need for "choice" (overlty, or covertly), they still dont have humans figured out as subtle human perception allows folks to question their existence. What is there beyond. We know whats beyond - the real world.
Two - rogue programs. This could be a fourth MATRIX movie in and of itself. ROGUE programs working to overthrow the MACHINES from the inside; or having a war with each other. I know I'm not the only one who is wondering about the identity of the VIRII/VAMPIRES/TWIN's. Since all programs were creating for SOMETHING (controlling flight patterns of birds, sunset, taste of chicken, etc.), what were THEY created for?
Three - NEO has been changed genetically. How this happened we dont know, but as he exhibited he has the ability to "communicate" on some level with the machines in THE REAL. I dont believe that is THE MATRIX, nor was it some sort of EMP pulse. The MACHINES shorted out, and there was no EMP-blast. His understanding of THE MATRIX has reached a level where he is able to "restart life" taken in THE MATRIX.
As far as SMITH's change - he is now another "exile". A program (created to stop the rebels) that no longer has purpose, or desire to complete his function. I'm still interested in how they'll explain this and HOW he got to the source without using a key. Very interesting.