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Default 05-19-2003, 05:38 PM

On CNN a while ago they had a Station Manager form Texas who wouldn't play the film on his Station because he said he thought it Humanized Hitler. He didn't want to see people sympathizing with Hitler. He made his decision based on the commercials for the film. He didn't even see the whole thing.

Anyway, I didn't think it sympathized with Hitler at all. It made him look pretty crazy. Everywhere he went he would talk about the Jews and offend someone then he's spit everywhere while giving a speech.

If people aren't smart enough to decide what to take away from this film for themselves, then they shouldn't be watching anything on Television.

I think people misunderstand History. Hitler was a bad man, but that doesn't mean what he did didn't happen, or that we should shut it out and never learn from it. We should all be learning from the past, not be ignoring it.
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