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Default 05-20-2003, 11:29 AM

holstertag : the bone that the holster is assigned to.

holsteroffset : basically this is the offset of the holster.

firetype : this describes the type of ammunition that is being used for the gun. this can be bullet - grenade - projectile

ammotype : this describes the exact type of ammunition used for the gun. this can be pistol - rifle - smg - mg - grenade - heavy - shotgun

firedelay : this is the delay between the shots for the gun. the higher the number, the higher amount of time there will be between shots. usually you would use a decimal number to display this. (ex : 0.15 - 0.3)

dmbulletspread : this is simply the bulletspread of the gun. the higher the numbers, the higher the bulletspread. there are 4 numbers with this setting.

(ex : dmbulletspread 40 40 56 56 (minpitch minyaw maxpitch maxyaw))

That about sums up what you want to know. Need anything else, don't hesistate to ask.
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