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.PsychoMerc. care to explain?
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Default .PsychoMerc. care to explain? - 05-20-2003, 02:20 PM

While I was testing the 1st Spec Mod on the NOTF clan server the other day, Mr. PsychoMerc popped in and started playing. He was in there alittle while, and some of the NOTF felt that he might be playing dishonestly. I ended up blowing it off, but what I found today proves their suspicions to be correct.

I was browsing TeamGOD's forums, looking for some interested things to read, when I came across a thread named NOTF and PP owned, made by .PsychoMerc. Here is a PrintImage I took of his thread. Even though it dosen't show cheating, the fact that he is posting on TG's forum with a threadname like that makes even me suspicious. And yes, this is the same guy, b/c his signature has the same smiley saying click for PC specs.

.PsychoMerc., care to explain? I'm sure we would all like to see what you have to say about this.

The only reason he has a higher score in that screenshot is b/c he was playing longer. Most others were in spec the whole time and joined awhile after him. What? What? I think NOTF and MPowell1944 just owned you fool.
