What is wrong with the Q3 engine? It still is a good looking game engine and alot can be done with it. Heck, look at the games so far that have been done under it and about to be done with it. Look at what Raven can do with it. It doesn't even look like the Q3 engine with the stuff they are about to release(SOF2 and Jedi Knight 2). Besides, being a stable and easily compatable platform, it would cost alot and take alot of time to make a new engine. I believe the next generation engine is being developed for the next Doom if I recall correctly. That won't be out for some time.
Now as far as scripted events...they cannot be avoided if your trying to progress a storyline. So I don't see why people complain so much about them (that is for most games since it seems that gripe is not only limited to here).
Blood was specifically left out because of rating issues. The devs were quite clear about that for some time now. There are current blood patches for the demo and I will be releasing one for the full when it comes out. I was digging through the files on the demo and once we have the SDK and modding tools, it won't be that difficult to redo some of the animations to make them more "realistic" as far as damage goes.
I will grant you that the gmeplay has nothing "innovative", but I think most FPS's are not going to be so...why? because there isn't anything too "new" that can be done. I get tired of the compliants by reviewers and others about "innovation". Everything has mostly been done. Until we see the next generation of PC developement and then the programming development to follow, there won't be anything innovative in any gaming genre.
[This message has been edited by Mange (edited January 17, 2002).]