05-20-2003, 02:47 PM
But what if he is using All Seeing Eye, which everyone should be using anyway because it is the best program out there. My pings when up when I moved away from gamespy to ASE. Plus, ASE is much quicker to bring up than waiting to log into gamespy and I can store a different nickname for each game I play using ASE. WhenI joined a clan, I had to manually change my name everytime I logged into MOH using Gamespy because it sticks your gamespy login name in as your MOH nickname. ASE lets you set what your name will be in the options section, which makes it very easy to alter if you get a promotion in your clan or change clans, or whatever.
Well, that went off topic from where to get the patches, but the word must be spread about how superior ASE is to Gamespy. I don't know if Gamespy can, but lets say you have a favorite server and you want to log in but it's full. ASE will keep trying to log you in every few seconds, so that as soon as someone drops, you'll most likely be able to connect as soon as someone leaves the server.