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OOhhh lmao OMG!
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Default OOhhh lmao OMG! - 05-20-2003, 08:13 PM

DAMN you really got Mike! Man you OWNED EM! LMAO ROFLMAO. your one stupid fuck you know that? I mean omfg. Little bitches like you are what makes ppl go crazy. Just who the fuck do you think you are? He has quit that so long ago and has actually started an Anti-Cheater group. Yo stupid fuck, you think your one tuff ass just because you posted that? Well guess what! IT IS OLD NEWS! Where the fuck have you been for the past YEAR!
Man ur really gay aren't you? lolz well guess what Mike this l33t f00 just pwned j00! LMAO MY ASS! hahahahahahahahahahahah stupid fuck! HAHAHAHA


P.S. Just TRY and do half the shit Mike has and make such a good name fro yourself! Man this guy has made SOO much for the MOHAA community and all bitchez like you do is cry cry cry. GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS!