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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-17-2002, 10:58 AM

Yes, it is important to point out that I never intended to NOT buy the game. I have had it preordered for a while now. I think d/l a game is only really wrong when you are going to play the whole thing, enjoy it, and not ever buy the full game.

In many ways, Gamez act like extended demos, b/c they rip out movies and music and other features which most people will buy the full game for if they like it enough. If not, then they would not have bought the game in the first place...

Maybe my logic is flawed, I don't know anymore. I will buy it b/c IMO 2015 deserves enough money to make a great sequel. This game is fun, and I am happy while playing it, and that feeling is worth $50 to me. Just me though, I would like to hear some other 'intelligent' viewpoints if anyone is interested...

Thanks for the replies so far, and not going off on me...

[This message has been edited by rossonline (edited January 17, 2002).]
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