01-17-2002, 01:17 AM
Madrebel: Im sorry to inform you that your logic in comparing the M1 Garand and the M1 Carbine is completely flawed. In this case, caliber is the least of your worries. The M1 Garand shoots a 210 grain bullet at velocities of 2800 feet/sec and has much more knockdown power that the wimpy carbine round.
In Korea there were dozens of accounts from US GI's stating the exact same thing: They would fire multiple rounds at Chinese and Korean troops only to see puffs of smoke emerge from where the round impacted and the soldier go down. Only problem was that the same soldier would get back up on his feet, wipe himself off and keep charging. Later they found that this was due to the multiple layers of clothing and the Russian web gear worn by these soldiers.
One thing's for sure thought. If they got hit with a Garand round (.30-06), they wouldn't have gotten back up.