05-22-2003, 12:12 PM
It's worth playing just for the FMV sequences. They will help you to understand the movie a little better.
The graphics suck IMO. The Great Hall is the best environment in the game. Every other stage is too dark even with the brightness up. I was pretty disappointed when I saw the octagon tire on the Firebird. That's PS1 quality bullshit.
The sound is so-so. It gets better when you're "focusing". The whiz of the bullets is pretty damn cool.
Focusing is by far the shit. You can kick some serious SWAT butt with both weapons and hand-to-hand. The disarm moves are great. There are a good number of martial arts moves but mashing the buttons works just as well as trying to find combos. The motion captured moves are damn cool and are faithful to the movie.
The hacking is alright. RAM drive anyone? WTH does DECODE decode?!?
Niobi can't drive worth a damn if you're Ghost.
I expected a lot more from this game. I beat both Niobi and Ghost's stories over the course of a weekend. WAY too short.
It's still fun if you're a fan though.