Thread: Ruben Studdard
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Default 05-23-2003, 07:32 PM

Originally Posted by Sclass12
Originally Posted by gtboys34
yeah i agree. There is no way that they could sound that bad and still make the cut, unless they paid for their audition but last i checked, auditions were free for events like that. Its the same with those dumb ppl on jay leno the "jaywalk allstars". They pretend to be dumb and dont know anything about anything. Jay paid them too to look idiotic on national television
no, i mean the networks paid people to sound bad, so they can put them on the show's horrible singers thing, just so they get more viewers
That's bullshit. There really are people out there like that.

Have you ever heard your voice after it has been recorded or something? It sounds totally different to what you thought it sounded like, right?
Yeah, it's the same with singing.

We had NZ Pop-Stars, and Australia had a version too.....The same type of people were shown at the auditions for those as well.

So yeah, I'd say these people do exist.
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