Originally Posted by cashwarsplaya
not me, but scary anyways. my dad was flying to LA on september 11th, 2001. He always flies American, out of Boston to wherever he is going for business. but, his company's travel department or whatever got him delta tickets instead, we still don't know why. So, his plane was diverted to Ohio rather than slamming into the north tower. Pretty damn lucky and scary if you ask me. We all thought he was dead until he called and told us he took delta. I hope i never have to live through anything like that ever again.
dear God, that must have been scary! Thinking your dad was just used as a weapon against the US by terrorists and is dead. Something close but not as scary is my mom was supposed to fly out on Sept 11, but to houston. Still freaky, same day as it happened. But in the paper, on Sept 12, they showed a pic of this man crying on the counter of the airline station. Underneath read the caption "Here 36 year old Bladdy-blah is weeping over the fact he sold his ticket at the last second which was on the plane which crashed into the North Tower" or something like that, better worded. Stuff like that just makes you think. Who made you change your decision? You, or some higher source?