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Default 05-23-2003, 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by Sclass12
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Sclass12
Originally Posted by Vance1
I have Deja Vu alot, I will do something but I feel like I did it before, somehow.
yeah, that seems to happen to me too. When something like that happens, i just stop and think "Wait a minute, Ive seen this before" And Im serious, like Ive seen it in a dream
Deja Vu is all in the relationship between the eyes and the brain. I'm not sure about the scientific/biological reasons for it, but it's your eyes tricking your brain.

If it's real deja vu, and you're not actually seeing something happen for a second time (Very unlikely), then you wouldn't have actually seen it before, your eyes and your brain make you think you have.......or something like that.
No, It never happened to me before, i have seen it before. Dont mock me, but I believe that stuff has happened to me after I've seen it happen in my dreams or something. Its just weird, when i sit there and think it over about how ive seen this before. Scares me
thats basically what happens to me, I see something in a dream then the same thing happens a few days later. Its really handy for taking tests (for some reason the hardest question shows up whenever I see those dreams)

but oddly enough a year ago I had a dream that someone had run a red light right infront of my car right after the light changed to green for me. a few days later it what I saw happened but because something looked familar I didn't accelerate as fast as I usually do and then the car sped by, but it was a different color than what I originally saw so it could be coincidence.
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