05-23-2003, 10:28 PM
Well as an avid big game and waterfowl hunter, I don't think so. You see we need them, guns are tools to us. I agree with some of them when they say that people shouldn't be owning certain types of firearms. I don't mind all the retrictions and whatnot since it pretty much keeps the nutters from owning guns.
I think the only reason a civilian should own firearms is if he/she actually hunts. Personal defense is not needed I feel (this is Canada I'm refering to, I know the States have their crime problems). I or anybody I've known has ever been in a position where they needed a gun to defend themselves.
People who collect guns or use them for leisurely purposes should have their guns confiscated and de-activated (if the the gun is an antique and/or priceless).
Remember I'm only refering to Canada here since that's the country I'm most familiar with.