beat this shit i have a Red Ryder BB GUN SO SCREW YALL MUHAHAHHAHA on a more serious note uhhhh most of yall dont have these guns like the dude who said ohhhh were hunters uhhh yea bow pistol uhhh a shotgun and like a a a a uhhh rifle 243 yea thats it fun and accurate lmao Weatherby .270 are awesome ace deer rifles best rifle to us now and if anyone argues their wrong also was sniper in US SEAL 234 and i was the guy that actually fired hehe

my partner just sat there would be like ooo oo there's one let get him nah j/k SEAL snipers worked mostly alone only crawlin like a few inches an hour (BORING AS HELL) and i never got to eat ( i guess i am Jerid from SUBWAY NOW or HENRY CLAY HENRY HES A FIREMAN AND A JER n/m no matter)