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Default 05-24-2003, 10:34 AM

Just because a player is "following" someone behind a wall with their crosshair does not necessarily mean they are hacking.

When I am playing sneaky and I hear footsteps I will often look in the direction of the sound as this can help you work out which way they are moving.

A lot of cheaters will try their best to hide that they have a hack. It is possible to do this if you just ignore players who you could not possible see (nor reach quickly).

A lot of very good players will be able to pre-empt where you will be on the map if you've just spawned, as well. Experience tells you where they are likely to go and how far they are likely to have gotten.

You can use that to pre-empt them emerging round a corner. Fast reflexes then may make it look like you knew they were coming.

I have spec'd many players recently who don't even bother to try to hide their cheat. You can easilly catch them by doing the "fake-peek" a few times.

I made that name up but it's when you know your suspected cheater is around a corner. You approach the corner (leaning helps) but don't expose yourself at all and pull away before too much of your head/body "peeks".

If they fire at you the instant you pull back and they do this quite often then they're likely cheating. This is much easier to do if you have the cheat loaded yourself (if only when you suspect someone and want to check them out) because you will be able to see them waiting and watching you.

As for the aimbot, to detect someone using that is very easy.

You simply cannot hide the "snap-to-target" effect that it has. Watch someone for long enough who is using this hack and it's obvious.
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