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Default 05-24-2003, 10:52 PM

well I myself have converted I think 2 Day of Defeat models, the KAR and an m14 (I think it was from day of defeat). but I never said I myself modeled any of these myself. In fact out of the 2 day of defeat models Ive converted, I never released the m14, and the KAR had a full list of credits to the original modelers in the readme. Ive also converted a few counterstrike models and they also had full readme's. but come on, is this really worth all this? I used to model custom planes for Combat Flight sim, and I wouldnt have blown it to this proportion over 1 or 2 being converted to flight sim 2000. I would be kind of flattered that these people thought mine was that good that they should convert it. but you also have to realize this before you come here flaming anyone, it takes a good deal of work still to convert these models. wouldnt it have been much more civilized to just come on and do like Innoxx and just say politely that the readme's should have credits in them? seems like that would work better. Especially since none of the models in question have been released to the public. just my thoughts on all this.