Hobbs, what are you on? Day of Defeat(
http://www.dayofdefeat.net) was good enough to be bought out by a game developer who sold millions of copies of a game that has a larger fanbase than MOHAA, MOHAAS, BF1942, RTCW, and UT2k3 combined.
Cobra, look at the first post. Click the link, scroll down until you see the M1 Carbine authed by Nomad, Poly, and P_Willy. It's theirs, not yours. We don't care if you're jealous and want to use it, but at least give the modelers the credit they deserve. Especially since Nomad, Poly, and all the others you ripped off are among the best modelers in the community. I'll go postal and stalk you if I find out you've ripped a Glimsharp.