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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Posts: 147
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-18-2002, 11:23 AM

Oh, no! Some weapons are better then others! Waah! Waah! Waah! Ban all weapons except SMGs!

And make running faster too so you can dodge better. Then it will be fair and I won't have to learn any strategy. I will be able to run around willy nilly without thinking, just shooting and dodging bullets.

And The Hunt is too hard for the Allies too. Just make it an open field.

Hopefully they will implement these things so everyone will end the game with equal kills and deaths. Yay! That will be fair!

If you expect people in online games to be courteous or nice, you are in for some serious disappointment. Some are nice, some are selfish jerks. It sux, but you might as well get used to it. Just get over it, figure out some strategy, and proceed to kick the butts of these people! People who rely on the zook or shotty or sniper are easy to beat. The other weapons are better all around weapons.

The only thing that REALLY SUX, is chronic cheating. The occasional cheat is no big deal, but repeated cheating by even 1 player can really ruin the game.
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