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Default 05-26-2003, 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by Eidolon
Yeah, I guess Flaming is what you do best. And as for Guarnere, I am fully aware of his talents as much as he probably aware of mine, for the simply we work in the same 'area', so I have a lot of deserved respect for the G-Man.

Just because isn't exactly mod central does not mean it's a 'spamfest' as people refer to it as. It's a fan site, for those who are not as 'hardcore' as everybody seems to claim these days. It has a fine forum with some good users on there, who are probably the only I stick there and TMT, since the admins know each other pretty well. So lay off it, has had a pretty bad rap in the past and I've never jumped in on your crap, so don't jump in on others.


-VWFX Modeler
-Bikini Red Project Leader Moderator

Aww shucks wink: yea, you rock too eid biggrin:

im gonna lock this post now cos its all solved now...good times cool: