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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-18-2002, 01:18 AM

But Ladmo is right. Do you really think 2015 intended their game to be played by a bunch of bunny-hopping retards armed exclusively with rocket launchers?

We have quake...a pure fantasy bullshit game aimed at morons who can't cope with anything more complex than a few keys and a mouse.

Cue games like MoH...intended to appeal to the more complex gamer, those who like to think about their moves and make them in a more realistic environment.

So it's hardly suprising that they get pissed off when a bunch of selfish, spiteful brats invade the servers with no other intention than to show how 'clever' they are by trashing the experience for everyone else.

Real soldiers don't bunny-hop as they run. Real soldiers don't kit themselves out with rocket-launchers for house-to-house fighting. If they did they would die.
How many times have you been killed by a moron who fires his rocket into your face at point-blank range, killing both you and himself? That's 'gameplay'? No, it's not. It's a pathetic inadequate brat getting 'even' because he consistently dies with any other weapon. "I can't win, so I'll just spam the map with inane rocket-fire and piss everyone off."

The saddest thing about FPS games is they attract mostly dull-witted kids. The simplicity of the controls and lack of real-world physics is what makes the genre so appealing to them. That's why very very few kids get into sims...most of them can't even decipher the manuals.

In my expereience American brats are the worst in the world. Selfish, spoiled, arrogant little pricks who can't even spell. What they need is a thrashing, but unfortunately the parents are largely trailer-trash scum who think it's clever to teach little junior to tell everyone else around him to "F**k off" and call them "Gay".

Almost every American I've met in the simming community has been a sound stand-up guy (or gal). The flip side of that is almost every American kid I've come across in the FPS community has been a moronic, foul-mouthed scum-bag. A disgrace and shame to your nation across the http://WWW. across this side of the pond and try it on, you'll go home in an air-ambulance...our kids are civilised, but they don't tolerate degenerates.

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