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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Posts: 123
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-18-2002, 01:29 AM

2015 are a bunch of second-rate coders. Proof? The BS about clipping. MoH is based upon the Q3 engine. Has anyone noticed any clipping in Q3? No? Then why is it so rife in MoH? I read 2015's BS excuse for it and it's just that...bullshit.

MoH has so many flaws, inconsistencies and in-the-face f**k-ups it's almost beyond belief it got so hyped. It's a fun game, but I was led to believe it would have realism out the ying-yang. Snort. You can't even lie prone in it.

The easiest way to send a message to these pricks that shoddy, lazy, half-arsed coding won't be tolerated at £35 a throw is to warez the game. If that means they go out of business and produce no more games...bring it the f**k on. Games like these we don't need when there are gifted coders in eastern europe looking for a break.

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