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Default 05-26-2003, 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by Ydiss
Originally Posted by Tiwaz
About aimbot: I don't think I have encountered it yet, but I am not sure. What do you mean with snap-to-target effect Ydiss? Doas it automatically aim for the head if the aimbot detects an opponent or something? I have never used or seen an aimbot, so I don't have an idea how it functions.
When I say "snap-to-target" I mean when an enemy appears in the preset FOV (field of vision - there's a cvar that you can alter for the bot that changes the angle at which the bot will aim at... So far as I know it cannot aim behind you, but I've never tested it) the cheater's aim will snap to that enemy.

The cheater can choose auto-fire (bot shoots for you with burst fire presets and variables) or they can shoot manually.

But, the snap-to effect gives them away. If they emerge around a corner and are facing 45 degrees+ from you, or perhaps even looking up, or down, as soon as you appear in their FOV they will aim at you immediately.

There is no "swing" of the aim. Even a player with very good reflexes will swing their aim sometimes.

A person using this bot will never do this. It's very obvious on verticle maps (Stalingrad for example).

I recently saw a player who was on the ground in Stalingrad and was firing upwards and to his left. I approached from his right and as soon as I saw him his aim instantly switched to me. That's a 90 degree turn with a pitch angle change of about 145 degrees in a split second, instantly hitting me.


Granted, some of the cheaters who are serious about what they do and want to actually seem "cool" and not just a sad kid will attempt to hide these cheats.

Until a cvar enabling "swing" auto-aim is introduced then this will never be possible for aimbots. And, if this cvar is introduced then you may as well just learn to aim yourself because it will seriously fuck up your own aiming in tight situations, especially when you really need to switch your aim quickly.
Alas, if you jack the FOV up to 360 it spins around for you.
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