Lol. The proof is always in the pudding as they say. Your own post is as much proof as anyone could ever need that your whole life revolves around this game. did
know this is just a game, yes?
As for your BS...I play on servers other than my own, but not as much. Why? Because I won't play on any that don't have the CPR mod. You may enjoy needing a full clip to give an opponent a hang-nail but I find it lame and tedious in the extreme.
Kills...I wasn't counting (I have a life), but you were getting consistently whupped until you whined aboput lag and buggered off.
Player server is restricted to max 14 and has been for a very long time.
Lag...most players get no worse than 200 ping, and the average is just under 100 on a consistent basis.
The fact is Ydiss, you measure yourself by how well you do (or don't,lol) at a second-rate game. I bet you were one of those kids who would chuck the Monopoly board up in the air when you landed on your sister's Park Lane.
As for rating myself...if you cast your mind back you may remember I was the guy who said (and still does) that little to no skill is neccessary to excell at this game. Therefore my awesome online prowess is a result of the game's simplicity, not my skill. Whereas you, Mr Air-borne Ranger, are convinced you are the Bowie-Knife juggling predator of the WW2 battle-field. Fact ain't crap, but mediocre is nothing to boast about mate.
Your mate has gotten good with the sniper 'rifle' by neglecting his homework and resisting the lures of Playboy for a couple of weeks. What's your excuse?' Go out and discover alcohol, give yourself a break.