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Default 01-18-2002, 03:44 AM

Siggi, no one will agree with you.

Anyone just has to join your server to see what I mean. But they won't 'cos most are intelligent to know that a DSL server can't hold more than 4-5 players without lagging to hell. But, of course, not for you.

See, your reasons for not playing on public servers is 'cos you want CPR and Anti Cheat. Bullshit, there is plenty of good public servers that host CPR and almost ALL now host Anti-Cheat.

Ok. I'll see you on Server: BarrysWorld - Medal Of Honor Demo (1) - [CPR] 19/20 | Ping: 61ms| soon shall I?

That or Server: - MOH Demo (1) [CPR] 31/32 | Ping: 55ms| be ok for you?

Anyone who believes they know every single limit of the game and doesn't play regularly on a public server (and, Mr Generalisation, regular as in how often you spend on them in the time you do play. Just 'cos I said you don't play a lot doesn't mean I think I have any superiority over you. You thought that one up all on your own). needs to think again.

Oh, and btw... Rigz doesn't use the sniper right now, he's trying the Mauser out. For someone who has a habit of naming cheats who aren't, you'd have a hard time playing on a server with him. I suppose you won't though.

I entirely expect to not see you anytime soon on a proper server anyway.

Btw, if you read my post correctly you will remember that I did actually say I ping at around 100-200 normally. Pay attention.

[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 18, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 18, 2002).]
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