01-18-2002, 05:36 AM
siggi youre proving your ignorance for me.
quake 3 uses a client server model.
its like this:
server hosts game
client A has 20 ping connects to server
client B has 200 ping connects to server
client A stands toe to toe facing client B
Client B does the same.
Client A and B fire at exactly the same point in time at their respective locations.
Client A's packet reaches the server in 20 milliseconds.
the server sees client A's packet, calculates the trajectory, location of the shot determines that the shot its a hit records the data, sends the packet to client A that he got a hit and to client B that he got hit.
Meanwhile clients B's packet takes 200mili seconds to reach the server, he is already dead before he even gets a shot off.
Flight sims use a peer to peer model. the game is "server" so to speak is hosted on each palyers machine. the only data sent back and forth is location, and shot direction.
with games like quakeX when someone is "lagged out"(not receiveing, dropping LOTS of packets, 999 ping) they are stopped DEAD. Why? because the server isnt getting packets from the client saying where he is and thus it isnt send location data to the other clients.
and again, i realise quake isnt like MoH. There are no rocket jumps. But i was always able to split the ball hair of a gnat at 300 yards with the rail gun in quake. guess what, i can hollow out your skull with the M1/Mauser in MoH very easily.
But youre a pompus ass, like all euro trash, who isnt man enough to admit when he is wrong.
Oh and youre welcome. Without the US you would be in nzai germany right now prick.