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Default 01-18-2002, 07:42 AM

Ydiss, anyone who cries "lag" as an excuse for defeat is a sore loser. You talk about flowery insults but the fact is I play MoH with as much or less success on external servers as I do on my own. Lag has never been an issue for me because it averages out over any number of servers. Flowery insults are fun. Arguing the toss with a sore loser is boring. If it ain't lag you'll have some other rationale to explain away your defeats. If somebody is cheating, have at it by all means. But if he isn't, just take your losses with good grace.

Madrebel, apart from being a sick xenophobe with an inferiority complex a mile wide, you are ignorant on the subject of lag. I don't give a toss about your server-side BS, lag works both ways. If there is a connection problem the data going either way is screwed and in a moving fight it will impact both players adversely. Standing toe-to-toe may be an artificial way of proving an isolated and unrepresentitive anomoly of server-side lag but it doesn't stand up in moving combat. Before my server can know the position of an external player it has to receive his data. If that data is late I will see a false model position, which makes it harder for me to hit it (if I can hit it at all).
If you are telling me that the quak engine allows a hit, regardless of the opponent's true position, I can only say that I must be getting zero pings to the external servers I have played on. I have noticed ZERO difference in my scores when playing on my own server and external ones, neither better nor worse.

This lag BS is like the IHPFALT tactic in chess. Player A challenges player B. Player B says "I haven't played for a long time." Superb. With seven words he excuses himself if he loses, exhalts himself if he wins.

Lag..."If I lose, it's because of lag. If I win...well f**k me, I must be hot s**t!" Pathetic.
You know what simmers call lag? Turbulence. It's there, it affects everyone. Deal with it and stop whining about makes you sound like a grizzling brat who's had a bad day in the sand-pit.

If this was a battle-field sim I would take it seriously and put some real enthusiasm into it. As it is I normally play with a smoking fag hanging out of my mouth, a keyboard sharing space with a perilous ashtray and a mouse competing for room on a desk covered in crap.
If people played this game 'for real' we'd all be seeing vastly different results. As it is most players cavort around like it's a comedy sketch. Who wins the most? Those who spend weeks 'training' on the sniper 'rifle'...we've all seen them. They hang back whilst the GAMERS have a laugh, then sneak in and start popping tourists. Skill? No. Just anal twats who think taking advantage of a second-rate game's shortcomings is akin to mastery of virtual combat.

Ydiss...absorb the fact...this is Playstation level gaming-light. Quite literally it is child's play. Comparing MoH to, say, an accomplished sim or full-physics racing game is like comparing lego to architecture...paint-by-numbers to Da Vinci. I spend more time rolling smokes than I do watching the battle-field in this game. And I still whup your ass.

The bottom line with a lot of saddoes who take this GAME too seriously is they think success in it is some sort of indication of how they would do in a real fire-fight. Oh puh-leese, do excuse me whilst I choke back the hilarity. It's no-brainer fun, a chance to run amok and produce loud satisfying bangs from the sub-woofer after a hard day at work. If you want a REAL challenge, get into sims. As in SIMULATION, opposed to GAME.

DAMN, this is fun!

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