Originally Posted by DarthAce
u know if some one is cheating by how much they talk shit .. ie "i am the best" or "i own ur ass" every time they kill some one also some scores that are like 50 in a obj match that only goes 10 match u kind already guess the guys cheatin. if u just keep ur eyes open u can spot a cheater easy. o and that thing some one said about walkin on concreet makes no noice is wrong it makes nocie and ppl are really tuned to hearing other ppl even across a map
I get so fed up with being accused of cheating I will tend to just cuss them back and tell them they suck, but I don't cheat so your theory is a little shakey.
You can't catch a cheater by the way they talk. A lot of cheaters will keep quiet, a lot of cheaters will deny it and get all pissy.
But then a lot of non cheaters will stay quiet and a lot of non cheaters will deny it and get all pissy, too.
So, that stands for little.
Also, whoever is responsible for this site please
please I am begging you for the love of all that is good remove those stupid anal emotes and replace them with normal ones.