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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Posts: 123
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-19-2002, 04:09 AM

I have enough difficulty programming myself to behave.

But I see where you're going. What you have to remember is I've now seen code as code should be...Il2. It can be done, Oleg and his team proved it. All the lies and BS spouted by western developers over the last few years are exposed for the self-serving crap they are. I guess next you'll tell me you're a programmer and how hard it is and poor 2015. Save it mate. I paid £35 for Il2 and it is the best example of fully functional complex code I've ever seen. Paying £35 for MoH will really stick in my craw.

Western developers are lazy, greedy and inherently dishonest. They pal-up to communities so they can sucker-punch them with shonky dreck. 2015 are about fit to code for consoles, but not for the PC. Pride alone should have led them to include prone in MoH, but the fat dollar comes uno supremo.

I may not program myself, but it's no arcane mystery to me either. I know what can be done and how. I see thru MoH like it's transparent. I see the cut corners, the laziness, the flaws, and the hype they spewed about it really gets up my nose.

Play dev-groupie all you like mate. Personally I have an aversion to clay feet.

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